
You're supporting Talisha

Talisha needs assistance with her electric bill.

Complete your donation

A 4% operations fee is included in each need.

needed in: 3 days

  • West End
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Electricity

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Talisha, a devoted single mother of two young children, is facing a heart-wrenching challenge. Recently, she lost her job and her means of transportation, leaving her in a state of uncertainty and distress. Despite her relentless efforts to secure employment opportunities from the comfort of her home, she has encountered disappointment with few callbacks.

what happens after your donation

  1. 1

    A Supporter (that’s you!) connects with a story of hopeful progress out of crisis and chooses to support a local neighbor by purchasing their urgent need.

  2. 2

    The money from that purchase goes into a dedicated Stripe© Giving Wall account held by the partner organization whose client had the need met.

  3. 3

    Our partner organization’s Giving Wall lead speedily purchases the need and gives it directly to their client, or pays the bill directly.