
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 186 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Gloria received support with medical bills

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

Gloria is a survivor of intimate partner violence. She is a single working mother of six young children. She works two jobs to cover her bills and care for her kids. One of her children had to have an unexpected orthodontic procedure and she is struggling to cover the cost. Your assistance would take this stressor off of Mom's shoulders and allow her to focus on her children's care. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Need was fulfilled for $223.60!

fulfilled on: 07/22/2024

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Healthcare

Sarah received printer ink for upcoming court case

Partner: Forward Foundation

Advisor: Soliél Lindsey

Sarah is a very hard working single Mom who is currently in extended legal litigations. It is already very costly to keep needs met as a single mom with a growing preteen home for the Summer. On top of that, Sarah is managing to pay for a costly attorney out of pocket. Sarah is in desperate need of printer ink to be able to present important information to her judge in an upcoming court case. Your help would get her up to 6 months of ink for her home printer. Thank you in advance!

Need was fulfilled for $62.40!

fulfilled on: 07/10/2024

  • Henrico (West)
  • Single Mother
  • Household - Other Items

Casey received assistance with rent

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Casey is a single mother of 5 children and a participant of Mental Health Skill Building at St. Joseph’s Villa. With guidance from program staff, she recently returned to work after losing her partner to gun violence. She has done her best to pay her June rent but still owes just over $400.00. Casey has a history of homelessness and does not want to be homeless again with her family. She would greatly appreciate rental assistance in order to maintain a stable environment for her children.

Need was fulfilled for $431.18!

fulfilled on: 07/06/2024

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Mrs,Townes received assistance with having her electric services restored

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Chimere Miles

Mrs. Townes is a disabled long-time community who electricity services have been disconnected. Mrs. Townes has been paying what she could afford after paying her rent and securing her monthly prescriptions. She lives on a small monthly disability payment that she tries to stretch as far as she can. During the past few days, the heat temperatures have increased inside of her home pushing her outside within the shade until the temperature drops and her home cools down. Having her electric services restored will allow for her to enjoy the rest of the summer inside of her home.

Need was fulfilled for $572!

fulfilled on: 06/29/2024

  • East End
  • Neighbor in Need
  • Bill - Electricity

Michael received assistance with car repairs

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Chimere Miles

Michael works day and night to ensure that his two children feel stable, supported and loved. While having access to a fully functioning vehicle is essential for parents it is critical for Michael who has one child diagnosed with Down syndrome. Every week Michael and his family make the drive between Richmond to DC for medical appointments and to visit mom. The repeated trips up and down the highway has put a bit of stress on Michael and the car. Being able to restore air conditioning and put new breaks on the family vehicle will allow for Michael to focus on singing lead vocals as the family drives instead of if he has to cancel the weekly trips.

Need was fulfilled for $286!

fulfilled on: 06/22/2024

  • Chesterfield
  • Neighbor in Need
  • Auto - Gas

Ms. Paula received support with paying her security deposit.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Chimere Miles

Ms. Paula is East End neighbor who has volunteered in various capacities within our organization. She is a senior citizen living on a fixed income and was recently priced out of her home. Paula has been staying with different friends and family while she waits for her coming appointment with a local crisis center. The program will assist her in finding affordable housing. She is very optimistic despite all that is going on that she will be in a more stable place after this appointment but needs support with raising money for her security deposit. This support will go a long way in making this a much smoother transition for her.

Need was fulfilled for $364!

fulfilled on: 06/19/2024

  • East End
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Other

William received a bike and work pants

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Shereida Archie

William relocated to Richmond and is homeless. He is currently working at Applebee's during the closing shift. William gets off work after the last bus has run and he currently depends on the kindness of co-workers to assist him with rides to return to the shelter. William would like a bike to help him get to and from his job on his own. William is also seeking assistance with a pair of work black pants. He states he only has one pair of pants and would like to have another pair as a backup. By receiving these items, William feels that he will be able to keep his job and have a successful transition from the shelter to housing.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 06/11/2024

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Clothing

Ali received assistance paying auto fees

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Victoria Barahona

Ali is a survivor of Human trafficking and domestic violence. She has been making strides to become financially independent but ran into unexpected expenses this month due to her car breaking down. This financial relief would support Ali as she continues to live independently - something she couldn't do in the past due to her circumstances.

Need was fulfilled for $213.20!

fulfilled on: 06/11/2024

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Auto

Travis received assistance with clothing and furniture

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Travis recently moved into Permanent Supportive Housing after many years of experiencing homelessness. Now that he is stably housed, he is ready to find employment and begin the next chapter of his life. However, the clothes on his back are all he owns. It has been a challenge for him to find new outfits at thrift stores due to his height and size. He also currently has no income to purchase essential furnishings for his apartment. Travis would be grateful for assistance with clothes that he can wear for work and everyday life, as well as a bed, living room furniture, and kitchen items to help him settle into his home.

Need was fulfilled for $538.82!

fulfilled on: 06/11/2024

  • Richmond
  • Neighbor in Need
  • Household - Other Items

Sutton received help with driving classes

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Victoria Barahona

Sutton is a survivor of Human Trafficking and is working towards gaining back the independence that was taken by her trafficker. Sutton recently passed her learner's permit test and is now in the process of trying to obtain a Driver's License. This support would assist her in covering the cost of behind the wheel classes and ultimately help her as she continues to work towards her goals.

Need was fulfilled for $187.20!

fulfilled on: 06/11/2024

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Other

Heather received assistance with a couch and household appliances.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Chimere Miles

After finding the courage to leave an abusive relationship Heather realized she also had to give up everything that made her house a home. Items such as furniture and appliances were things that helped to make the home a livable and loved space. Heather has worked hard to accomplish her self-identified goals by obtaining a job and securing housing for herself and her three children. Now at this time Heather ask for your support in obtaining those household items that make a house a home.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 06/11/2024

  • East End
  • Survivor
  • Household - Essentials (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.)

Candice received assistance with her rental bill.

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Meet Candice, a resilient single mother of five who pours her heart into providing for her family. Despite working grueling 12-hour shifts, five days a week, Candice often finds herself struggling to make ends meet. Recently, she bravely took time off under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to prioritize her mental health, a courageous step toward self-care. However, this decision has left her falling behind on her rental payments, adding to her financial burden. Your support could make all the difference for Candice and her children. By assisting with her rental expenses, you'll not only help her catch up on bills but also provide a lifeline as she transitions back to full-time work. Your kindness and generosity will ease the weight on Candice's shoulders, allowing her to focus on what truly matters: providing a stable and nurturing environment for her family.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/29/2024

  • West End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Molly received help paying for legal documents

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Victoria Barahona

Molly is a survivor of domestic violence. Molly has been slowly rebuilding her life after being in an abusive situation. She has recently reunited with her children and is working towards creating a safe and stable life for herself and them. Molly recently hit a set back when seeking employment due to lack of up to date legal documentation. Molly needs to make payments to obtain these documents but this has presented a finical barrier. This financial support would provide Molly some relief as she continues moving forward.

Need was fulfilled for $48.88!

fulfilled on: 05/24/2024

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Other

Mr.McClendon received assistance with covering his rent payment.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Chimere Miles

Long time East End community member Mr. McClendon a walking resource for his fellow neighbors suffered a setback to his health after experiencing other health complications. Complications from a surgery procedure taken place in February. Mr. McClendon team of doctors assured him that he fell into the 5% category of people who experience complications after surgery and that this time of rest and therapy would be instrumental in a full recovery. While like many others in his community taking time to rest has caused a strain on his household and health. The fear of losing housing while having limited mobility prompted Mr. McClendon to reach out for support. Preventing the additional cost associated with court and additional late fees will help Mr. McClendon work towards a full recovery and restoring his presence back into the community.

Need was fulfilled for $764.40!

fulfilled on: 05/25/2024

  • East End
  • Neighbor in Need
  • Bill - Rent

Teoshia received assistance with her mortgage bill.

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Teoshia, a single mother raising three children, faced job loss in April, leading to financial strain as she struggles to keep up with her mortgage payments. Despite this setback, she's embarked on a new business venture, having obtained the necessary license. However, her first paycheck for this endeavor won't come until mid-June.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/29/2024

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Mortgage

Chrissy received support moving

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

Chrissy is a survivor of domestic violence who is currently planning her life of freedom! She plans to move out when her lease is up to permanently cut ties with her abuser. She has a new place secured but she will need financial support to pull off the move. She has been carefully planning for over a year to make this change for her safety and her children's future. Any support is greatly appreciated!

Need was fulfilled for $530.40!

fulfilled on: 05/24/2024

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Household - Other Items

David received assistance with groceries.

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

David, a single dad and amputee, faces a daunting challenge as he struggles to provide for his family. Despite his inability to walk or drive, he bravely maneuvers his wheelchair to the nearby grocery store, only to discover that his SNAP card has been scammed. With no funds to purchase food, David's distress is palpable as he navigates bureaucratic obstacles to no avail. His new card offers no relief, leaving his family hungry and his heart heavy with worry.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/16/2024

  • Northside
  • Single Father
  • Groceries

Elizabeth received assistance with groceries.

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Elizabeth and her family are facing an overwhelming hardship as they navigate through a recent eviction. With their home gone, Elizabeth is determined to settle her mounting utility bill to pave the way for a fresh start. As she prepares to embark on a new job journey, finding a nearby hotel close to her children's school becomes paramount. Not only will it provide stability during this tumultuous time, but it will also ease the burden of transportation logistics, ensuring her children's safety and well-being.

Need was fulfilled for $156!

fulfilled on: 05/16/2024

  • Northside
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Electricity

Ms. Edwards received assistance catching up on rental costs for she and her family.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Tasha Moore

Ms. Edwards is looking for assistance with her rent. On April 10, 2024 she lost the father of her children which has caused her to be on unpaid leave from employement. Much of her expenses are being placed into funeral arrangements. Ms. Edwards has 5 children, 2-year old twins, a 14-year old, 16-year old, and an 18-year old all living in her home. Please help Ms. Edwards fulfill her financial needs so that she can be physically and emotionally present for her children at this devestating time.

Need was fulfilled for $717.60!

fulfilled on: 05/06/2024

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

James received assistance with his auto bill.

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Imagine the heartache of a single father, newly employed, only to be blindsided by a devastating four-month layoff. With each passing day, the weight of overdue bills grows heavier, threatening to crush his hopes for a better future. But amidst the chaos, there's one bill that looms largest - his car payment. This isn't just about a vehicle; it's about his lifeline to work, his beacon of hope in a sea of uncertainty. Without it, he faces the grim reality of being unable to provide for his son, unable to fulfill the promise of a brighter tomorrow. Your support can be the lifeline they desperately need, ensuring they're not left stranded on the road of despair. Help him catch up on his car payments, and you're not just keeping a car, you're keeping a family's dreams alive.

Need was fulfilled for $520!

fulfilled on: 05/01/2024

  • South Central
  • Single Father
  • Auto - Gas