
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 122 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Senior Dues for High School Student. Terrell is an RPS senior, from Gilpin Court, planning to attend college post-graduation. Terrell is an active participant in the Mayor's Youth Academy and other youth serving organizations throughout the city. He is bright, resilient, and hopeful about the opportunities that lie ahead. As a senior, Terrell has to pay senior dues of $250 in order to participate in school sponsored senior activities. Supporting this need will ensure that Terrell has a wonderful senior year.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 12/28/2018

  • City of Richmond
  • Youth
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Job Interview Outfit. Ben is a returning citizen who is working part-time but needs a suit for interviews as he is seeking full-time employment.

Need was fulfilled for $150!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2020 21:24

  • City of Richmond
  • Returning Citizen
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Bicycle Needed for Commute. Mr. Young does not hold a Driver's License. Having a bike will assist him with getting to and from a job that is approximately 2 miles off the bus line.

Need was fulfilled for $155!

fulfilled on: 12/28/2018

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Support with Electric Bill. Claude has a family size of 5. His income is extremely low. Claude has a job but the income does not cover all his bills. Support with paying down his electric bill would keeps his electricity on another month.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 12/28/2018

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Exam Fees. Dominique qualifies to sit for the Medical Certification Exam. She needs assistance with paying for the exam fees. Once she gets her certification as a medical coder, she can begin to apply for jobs in that market. An increase in her wages will help her to be able to better sustain a livable wage.

Need was fulfilled for $100!

fulfilled on: 12/23/2018

  • South Central Richmond
  • Believer
  • Courses


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Car Repair. Denise began working at Burger King but now has an interview with a cleaning company. Her car is operable, but she needs assistance with paying to get the oil pump repaired as it is going bad and will preclude her from getting to current and future employment..

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2020 21:24

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Auto Repair


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Medication Cost. Mrs.Gwendolyn needs assistance with paying for her medication at this time. She does not have medical benefits and her medication is not affordable.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2020 21:24

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Equipment for New Career. Teresa needs support with transitioning from the Pharma Tech industry into the beauty industry by combing transferable skills with cosmetology and health, and obtaining her aesthetician license to obtain work in a dermatologists' office. Equipment needed to actualize that dream is a deluxe massage room and massage table starter package.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2020 21:24

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Career training


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Mandatory Work Uniform. After being unemployed for over a year, Aaron was able to secure a job, finally. He is in need of assistance with purchasing the appropriate uniform for his new position.

Need was fulfilled for $105!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2020 21:24

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Electirc Bill Support. Ms. Haywood is currently homeless but staying with a friend. Before she can be considered for an apartment she must pay her past due electric bill of $303.00. If she can come up with most of this amount her friend is willing to assist her the rest. This kind of help will contribute to Ms. Heywood's housing stability.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 12/28/2018

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Obtain a Driver's License. Vonda does not know how to drive. And because of this, she was employed and then lost her job because she did not have access to regular and reliable transportation. Wanda doesn't want that to happen again – and is seeking money to get her drivers license.

Need was fulfilled for $155!

fulfilled on: 12/28/2018

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Transportation