
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 153 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Crystal A. received assistance with rent. 3/3

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Crystal is a single mom who is trying to pay past rental fees. She has been interviewing for jobs but also needs transportation to get home from work. Being unable to work has put her and her family in a situation where she is facing eviction from her apartment.

Need was fulfilled for $243.36!

fulfilled on: 06/09/2023

  • Central
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Crystal A. received assistance with rent. 2/3

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Crystal is a single mom who is trying to pay past rental fees. She has been interviewing for jobs but also needs transportation to get home from work. Being unable to work has put her and her family in a situation where she is facing eviction from her apartment.

Need was fulfilled for $243.36!

fulfilled on: 06/09/2023

  • Central
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

April received help paying her phone bill

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

April came to CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter about a week ago. She has been working on finding full time employment and has been using staff office phones to make employment related phone calls as her cell phone bill has been turned off. Your support will allow her to get her phone turned back on and continue to work on her employment search.

Need was fulfilled for $93.60!

fulfilled on: 06/08/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Cell Phone

Eddie received his medications.

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Jenn Patterson

Eddie has been experiencing homelessness since December of 2022 and has recently been connected to shelter. While he is in the process of being connected to Medicaid and Medicare, he is unable to afford prescriptions for his mental and physical health. Support in affording his medications would allow him to stabilize his health while working on other barriers toward housing.

Need was fulfilled for $124.80!

fulfilled on: 06/08/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Other Family Items

Survivor Sally received Assistance with her Water bill

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Victoria Barahona

Sally is a single mother of two and a survivor of sexual and domestic violence. Sally is experiencing severe medical concerns due to her type 1 diabetes. Due to her medical problems, she has not been able to work as much. Due to her inability to work, she has fallen behind on her water bill and received a cut-off notice this week. This support would help Sally and her family overcome this financial barrier.

Need was fulfilled for $213.14!

fulfilled on: 06/13/2023

  • West End
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Utility

Laila received assistance with transportation

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

After experiencing homelessness, Laila is now working two jobs and hopes to maintain the housing she has obtained. However, finding reliable transportation to work has been a challenge for Laila. Assistance with transportation costs would help Laila afford this month’s bills and continue on her journey to self-sufficiency and independence.

Need was fulfilled for $215.59!

fulfilled on: 06/09/2023

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Work - Other Items

Crystal A. received assistance with rent. (1/3)

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Crystal is a single mom who is trying to pay past rental fees. She has been interviewing for jobs but also needs transportation to get home from work. Being unable to work has put her and her family in a situation where she is facing eviction from her apartment.

Need was fulfilled for $243.36!

fulfilled on: 06/08/2023

  • Central
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Robert received a gas card for employment.

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Jenn Patterson

Robert has been experiencing homelessness since a knee injury has left him without work. Without work, he lost income and housing. Robert has accessed medical services to address his knee injury, and has found the stability in shelter to focus on gaining employment. Robert has a vehicle, but without income does not have gas money to be able to attend interviews and secure employment. A gas card would allow him to be able to do this.

Need was fulfilled for $52!

fulfilled on: 06/05/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Auto - Gas

Melanie received help paying her phone bill

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Melanie has been staying at CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter since the beginning of May. While here, she's started working so that she can catch up on bills and begin applying for housing. Melanie has been very driven and focused on her goals and moving forward. However, she has a phone bill that she has been unable to catch up on. She relies on her phone for work and for communication with her case managers and landlords. Your assistance will allow her to pay this bill before her phone gets cut off, as well as to continue to focus on working and saving for housing.

Need was fulfilled for $193.44!

fulfilled on: 06/08/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Cell Phone

Terrence received a bike and lock.

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Jenn Patterson

Terrence has been in shelter for 30 days, and due to his consistency in meeting with the case manager and working towards his housing plan, he was offered a job with the shelter as a maintenance tech. As such, Terrence travels between the different facilities of the agency to make repairs, but needs a form of transportation to be able to get to and from easily. A bike and lock would facilitate him in being able to get to and from work daily, and would also mean an ability to get to and from work once he is stably housed.

Need was fulfilled for $187.20!

fulfilled on: 06/08/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Auto - Gas

Survivor Carrie received support with her car payment

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

part 2/2. Carrie is a survivor of domestic violence and a single mother. She is currently living in a transitional program while trying to save for her own place! She was able to save up to purchase a car this year but needs assistance making her June car payment totaling $355. Multiple deaths in the family, unfortunately, set her back on her bills and she would greatly appreciate any support!

Need was fulfilled for $161.20!

fulfilled on: 05/31/2023

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Auto

Survivor Carrie received support with her car payment

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

part 1/2. Carrie is a survivor of domestic violence and a single mother. She is currently living in a transitional program while saving for her own place! She was able to save up to purchase a car this year but needs assistance making her June car payment totaling $355. Multiple deaths in the family, unfortunately, set her back on her bills and she would greatly appreciate any support!

Need was fulfilled for $208!

fulfilled on: 06/08/2023

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Auto

Gregg received a bike and lock.

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Jenn Patterson

Gregg has been in shelter for the past 30 days after becoming unhoused when his home was foreclosed on. He has reported losing "everything" as a result of a deep depression, including his employment and his transportation. A bike would help Gregg to be able to look for work outside of walking distance from the shelter, and would ensure that he would be able to maintain employment after finding stable housing.

Need was fulfilled for $187.20!

fulfilled on: 06/22/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Equipment

Ainsley received transportation support p.2

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

The survivor, Ainsley, unfortunately, lost her job because of domestic violence. Due to her lack of income, she was unable to pay her car insurance, and as a result, the DVM suspended her license. Due to the lack of insurance and the suspended license, she owes $575 to have it reinstated; she is currently on a monthly payment plan but will not have transportation to get a new job until it is paid in full. Ainsley needs support paying her DMV fees so that she can find a job and continue supporting herself. PART 2 OF 2

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/31/2023

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Auto

Ainsley received transportation support

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

The survivor, Ainsley, experienced domestic violence and, as a result, lost her job. Due to her lack of income, she was unable to pay her car insurance, and as a result, the DVM suspended her license. Due to the lack of insurance and the suspended license, she owes $575 to have it reinstated; she is currently on a monthly payment plan but will not have transportation to get a new job until it is paid in full. Ainsley needs support paying her DMV fees so that she can find a job and continue supporting herself. PART 1 OF 2

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/31/2023

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Auto

Survivor Donna Prt. 2 received Assistance with Light Bill

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Victoria Barahona

Donna is a survivor of intimate partner violence. After having to flee her home due to the violence, Donna was able to return to her home. Upon her return home, she fell ill and cannot work until late June. Due to this, Donna has fallen behind on her electricity bill and just received a cut-off notice. This assistance would aid Donna in getting back on track until she can return to work. PRT. 2

Need was fulfilled for $120.18!

fulfilled on: 05/30/2023

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Electricity

Sara received assistance with this month's rent. 3/3

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Sara is trying to get back on her feet after a domestic violence situation. Her car was recently impounded and she is afraid of being evicted. Assistance with her rent this month will ensure she can look for a job and keep her three children in their home as she navigates this new chapter in her life.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/30/2023

  • West End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

May received assistance paying property taxes

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

May, a survivor of domestic violence, needs help paying her back owed property taxes. May has been unable to pay her property taxes on her car for the past two years and she now owes for the current year. She has experienced extreme financial hardship that was made even more difficult during the pandemic. May has been working to attempt catching up on past bills and support her children. While she has been able to pay off a part of the taxes, she owes over $600 combined from the last three years. Help with this bill would allow her to continue working and supporting her children. PART 1 OF 2

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/31/2023

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Auto

Sara received assistance with this month's rent. 2/3

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Sara is trying to get back on her feet after a domestic violence situation. Her car was recently impounded and she is afraid of being evicted. Assistance with her rent this month will ensure she can look for a job and keep her three children in their home as she navigates this new chapter in her life.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/29/2023

  • West End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Alex received her Private Security Services Registration and Renewal

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Alex has been staying at CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter since the beginning of April and has made a lot of progress while staying here. She was able to find employment that will allow her to qualify for housing of her own once working. In order to move forward with this job, she needs to obtain her Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Employment Registration as well as her Private Security Services Registration Renewal. Your assistance will allow her to start her new job and move forward.

Need was fulfilled for $93.60!

fulfilled on: 05/25/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Other Items