
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 153 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Michael received a bike and lock.

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Jenn Patterson

Michael has been in shelter a week after being released from incarceration. Michael has no family supports and is looking for ways to get back on his feet. He has expressed a desire to be able to go out in the community for work and would greatly benefit from having a bicycle and a lock to be able to look for work. Obtaining a bicycle would also mean sustainability, in being able to maintain transportation to and from employment.

Need was fulfilled for $187.20!

fulfilled on: 04/22/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Equipment

Dee received assistance renewing her nursing license

Partner: Safe Harbor

Advisor: Lily Miller

Dee is currently living in the emergency shelter program for survivors of domestic violence. Dee is working full time as a nurse. She is working on getting her own place as she was previously unable to afford a place and had to live out of her car. To continue working, Dee must renew her nurse license by the end of the month. With your support, Dee will be able to become recertified and continue working in her field and saving for her own place!

Need was fulfilled for $197.60!

fulfilled on: 04/22/2023

  • Richmond
  • Survivor
  • Bill - Education

Kadeem received assistance with car repairs

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Kadeem is a new father with a sick infant that needs to go back and forth regularly to doctor appointments, the hospital, and his job. His car needs a repair and is no longer operable, he needs assistance getting his car repaired. The repair is over $800 he has some of what is needed but is looking to community supports to help raise the funds so that this setback won't continue to negatively impact his family's quality of life.

Need was fulfilled for $254.80!

fulfilled on: 04/22/2023

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Auto - Gas

Leah received assistance paying her utility bill.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Leah is a Peter Paul neighbor and program participant who is working diligently to reach financial security. She has made alot of strides over the past few years and is currently transitioning between jobs. She is moving on to a position that is more suitable for her long term goals but the transition will cause a gap in her pay and make it difficult to keep her utilities bills current. She needs assistance to pay her past due utility bill from February so that she does not continue to fall behind during the transition.

Need was fulfilled for $254.80!

fulfilled on: 04/20/2023

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Bill - Electricity

Erica received assistance paying her rent.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Erica is a single mother and has been in recovery for over 3 years. She just recently gained full custody of her children and is working full time and reaching her goals. Unfortunately, her tax refund was recently apprehended because of past due child support payment. This along with the additional costs of child care has thrown her budget off this month. This assistance will keep her from falling behind on her bills.

Need was fulfilled for $254.80!

fulfilled on: 04/20/2023

  • East End
  • In Recovery
  • Bill - Rent

Dana received her NCBTMB Board Certification (2/2)

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Dana is a current participant in CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter program and is focused on obtaining employment that will allow her to sustain her housing once she leaves shelter and move on. In order to do this, she wants to get her NCBTMB Certification in order to greatly increase her salary range and job opportunities. Dana has had this certification before, but it expired due to her inability to pay the fee. Your support will allow her to take the exam and become recertified. She feels confident that with this certification, she will be able to get and maintain housing that is realistic for her income.

Need was fulfilled for $146.64!

fulfilled on: 04/21/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Education

Dana received her NCBTMB Board Certification (1/2)

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Dana is a current participant in CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter program and is focused on obtaining employment that will allow her to sustain her housing once she leaves shelter and move on. In order to do this, she wants to get her NCBTMB Certification in order to greatly increase her salary range and job opportunities. Dana has had this certification before, but it expired due to her inability to pay the fee. Your support will allow her to take the exam and become recertified. She feels confident that with this certification, she will be able to get and maintain housing that is realistic for her income.

Need was fulfilled for $146.64!

fulfilled on: 04/21/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Education

Steve received boots!

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Megan Corbitt

Steve began to experience homelessness after having surgery on his back that he continues to receive physical and occupational therapy for to further his recovery. During his recovery Steve is in need of stable boots that will be able to support the multiple day and hour long therapy sessions. The boots provide enough support to both his ankles and feet to ensure he is taking steps to his long deserved recovery. Once he has recovered fully he plans to utilize these boots for work in the future!

Need was fulfilled for $46.80!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Clothing (e.g. coats, gloves, shoes)

Charles received work boots!

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Megan Corbitt

Charles began to experience homelessness after being evicted from his home due to losing employment during the COVID Pandemic. Since coming to shelter Charles has secured an employment opportunity with a security firm that has been able to provide him with a stable schedule and income. Most of the uniform for the security firm is provided upon hire, however the one missing piece of Charles' uniform is work boots! The assistance towards getting work boots would allow him to continue to move forward in his new employment!

Need was fulfilled for $46.80!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Shoes

Jordan received assistance with a security deposit

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Jordan is a former gang member who has made positive strides in turning his life around. Determined to overcome his history of substance use, he is participating in daily counseling and Mental Health Skill Building Services at the Villa, and is still drug-free after 60 days. Jordan hopes to transition from the men’s shelter where he currently resides to a rooming house, and needs assistance with the security deposit. He would be grateful for support in his next step toward stability and independence.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 04/21/2023

  • Richmond
  • In Recovery
  • Bill - Rent

Rhonda received assistance to cover a security deposit for new housing.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Rhonda is a single mother of 4 teens. She works in housekeeping and recently has been approved for new housing that will be supported through her RRHA housing voucher. She has been on light duty at her job since breaking her wrist and so is receiving less hours and needs support to cover the security deposit. This is a time sensitive request because if the apartment passes inspection the process will begin to move very quickly and if she is unable to cover the security deposit when the apartment becomes available she may lose her housing voucher.

Need was fulfilled for $249.60!

fulfilled on: 04/16/2023

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Glen received help with utility bill

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Kimberly Young

Glen is a Peter Paul's neighbor that struggles with developmental challenges and recently lost his mother and primary caregiver. Despite his best efforts to manage household expenses he has fallen significantly behind on his electric bill. Glen is incredibly resourceful, kind, attentive and caring. This support will allow him to enter a payment plan with Dominion Energy and have his power reconnected.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 04/17/2023

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Bill - Utility

Brian received bike and a lock.

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Jenn Patterson

Brian has been experiencing homelessness since his completion of a recovery program. Since being in shelter, Brian has been able to obtain fulltime employment at Dominos delivering pizza via a bicycle. Brian has been using a company bicycle, but would benefit from having his own. Additionally, Brian walks to and from his employment currently - which leaves him walking for two hours at 1am. A bicycle and a lock would support him in transportation to his employer, also.

Need was fulfilled for $187.20!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Equipment

Jeremiah received black pants for work.

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Jenn Patterson

Jeremiah has been in shelter a week, but has been chronically homeless for the past two years. Jeremiah is diagnosed with autism and is collaborating with his case manager to create a plan for how to move forward to gain stability. Jeremiah recently interviewed and was hired at McDonald's and needs black work pants as a requirement of his work uniform.

Need was fulfilled for $62.40!

fulfilled on: 04/07/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Clothing

Jessica received a new phone

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Jessica has been staying at CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter since the beginning of March. She has shared that her family was previously paying for her phone and phone bill, but are unable to continue doing so and are asking that she return the phone to them. Jessica is seeking assistance with getting a new phone and paying for the activation fee. With your support, she will be able to get her new phone turned on and will have the ability to use her phone for job and housing search.

Need was fulfilled for $137.28!

fulfilled on: 04/12/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Cell Phone

Olive received work boots

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Olive has been in and out of programming at CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter for the past several months. While with us she's completed our Works program and has been heavily focused on finding and obtaining employment. This week, Olive was offered a position working in a kitchen at a local restaurant! She is very excited and starts work this week. However, her new job is requiring that she have nonslip work boots and she cannot afford them on her own. Your support will allow her to get the required clothing to begin work this week.

Need was fulfilled for $90.48!

fulfilled on: 04/04/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Clothing

Teresa received an exit package

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Teresa has been staying at CARITAS Emergency Shelter for the past seven months while working towards saving her income and locating housing. She's made a lot of progress while in this program and she has finally been approved and is preparing to move out of shelter and into a place of her own. We would like to provide her with an exit package containing some of the things she'll need for her new place. The exit package will include: a laundry basket, an air mattress, sheets, a blanket, a pillow, a towel and wash cloth, and a hygiene kit (containing feminine products, toothbrush, toothpaste etc.). Your support will help her refocus her savings on her move in costs and expenses that come with this transition.

Need was fulfilled for $108.16!

fulfilled on: 04/08/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Household - Essentials (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.)

Rebecca received help with her storage unit

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Rebecca has been living at CARITAS Emergency Shelter for the past month. Since coming here, she has been working to catch up on her storage unit bill. If she is unable to pay this bill, she may lose her unit and her belongings would be put up for auction. In order to avoid this happening, Rebecca is looking for $140 in assistance to get her caught up and regain her access to her storage unit. Maintaining her storage unit will make her transition back to permanent housing easier as she will still have access to her furniture and belongings.

Need was fulfilled for $145.60!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Other

Taylor received help paying her phone bill

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Tori Purcell

Taylor has been at CARITAS Women's Emergency Shelter for a little over a month. Since coming here, she's begun work and has been working on catching up on bills and looking for housing. She has found a passion for building community and serving as a support to the women in shelter. While working through this period of homelessness, she has not been able to catch up on her phone bill and her service will soon be cut off. Your assistance would allow her to catch up on her phone bill and continue to work towards saving for permanent housing.

Need was fulfilled for $119.60!

fulfilled on: 04/09/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Cell Phone

Anthony received work shoes & pants!

Partner: Caritas

Advisor: Megan Corbitt

Anthony has been in our emergency shelter program going on two months. During this time Anthony has been working with our case manager as well as interns on applying for jobs to bring in additional income into his house hold to afford Richmond's rental costs. He was recently hired for a pizza delivering job where his uniform is black pant & black shoes. With these items he will be able to move towards his goal of housing.

Need was fulfilled for $46.80!

fulfilled on: 03/31/2023

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Clothing