
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 186 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Catherine received financial support with a utility bill.

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

A single mother of five, Catherine continues to work hard to help support her family and maintain safe housing. However, with decreased work hours and increasing living costs, she has been met with challenges in covering household utility bills. Assistance with utilities would allow her to catch up and keep her home safe and suitable for her and her children.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 06/01/2022

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Utility

Nicole received a bed

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Nicole, a single mother, and her two children recently moved into an apartment after experiencing homelessness. They are thrilled to settle in and thankful for the support provided by local furniture banks to make it their home. However, the furniture banks did not have any mattresses or frames available for Nicole, and she is currently sleeping on the couch. She would be grateful for assistance with a mattress, box spring, and bed frame.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 05/14/2022

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Household - Other Items

Latesha received support w/ rent increase.

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Virginia Hansom

Latesha is a single mother who has been out of work for about 8 weeks due to health challenges. She has since returned to work, but her rent is 3 months past due in addition to a rental increase that took place in February ($780 to $1,064). Latesha was not able to transition before the rental increase took place. Nonetheless, she picked up extra shifts to try and catch up on her past-due bills. This attempt was interrupted when her son became ill and then herself. Support with what is past due would assist her in catching up on her bills and paying additional late fines that she has not been able to budget for.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/11/2022

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Marcellius received assistance with his electricity bill

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Marcellus is a disabled senior citizen and has been receiving a stipend to help cover his utilities. The winter months has caused his electricity bill to be higher than what his stipend will cover. He is currently working to receive disability income but needs assistance covering the bill in the mean time to ensure he doesn't lose service in the process.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/11/2022

  • East End
  • Returning Citizen
  • Auto - Gas

La'Angela received assistance with a gas bill.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Carolyn Champion

La’Angela is a single mother who has quickly become a key team member at a community center in the East End of Richmond. She has recently received a promotion and additional hours serving in various capacities there that will allow her to manage household expenses which continue to rise for her like everyone else. She is seeking assistance with her gas bill as her transition to additional hours occurs.

Need was fulfilled for $270.40!

fulfilled on: 05/11/2022

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Utility

Wendy received assistance paying her electricity bill

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Wendy is a senior citizen and the sole guardian for her 11 year old granddaughter. She is actively involved in the community and works part time for a non profit organization in the area. Her hours have not been as consistent lately and she has fallen behind on her electricity bill. Assistance with this bill will go along way to helping this family stay on track to their financial goals.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/04/2022

  • East End
  • Senior Citizen
  • Bill - Electricity

Alicia received assistance paying her past due rent.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Alicia is a mother in two boys. Her children have been actively enrolled in the Peter Paul afterschool program since returning in person from quarantine. They have experienced several family emergencies that have made it difficult for Alicia to work her normal hours. She has since fallen behind on her rent payment and needs assistance to get caught up.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/04/2022

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Terry received assistance with shoes

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Terry, a current client of Flagler Housing & Homeless Services at St. Joseph’s Villa, has been unemployed and without income for nearly a year. He is in constant pain and has two medical procedures scheduled in the near future. Terry always expresses gratitude for the program, and does not ask for much. Recently, when Flagler staff asked if he needed anything, Terry reluctantly mentioned that he needs shoes for church. He added that a nice pair of sneakers would work so that he could wear them for more than church. He also said softly that he is putting cardboard in the pair of shoes he has now, and that it works okay except when it rains. We are requesting assistance that would allow Terry to purchase shoes for church, sneakers, and other essential clothing and hygiene products.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 05/12/2022

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Clothing (e.g. coats, gloves, shoes)

Amber received support paying her car note.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Amber is a single mother of 4 and has been working full time while pursuing her degree in culinary arts. She has run into some unexpected expenses that have made her budget very tight this month. She needs support paying her car note this month. This assistance will go along way in keeping her on track toward her goals.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/04/2022

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Auto

Destiny received assistance paying her rent

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Destiny is a young adult who has been supporting herself independently. Her hours have been reduced recently at her job making it difficult to keep her bills on track. She needs assistance to pay her rent this month while she works to find supplemental income.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/05/2022

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Bill - Rent

Sarah received assistance with work clothes

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Sarah is a 26-year-old single mother who is working hard to regain custody of her two daughters after her family recently experienced homelessness. She is now working her “dream job” as a cook in a local café where she had worked before. While she’s proud that her pay has increased, finances are still a struggle. Sarah needs to buy clothing for work and would greatly appreciate the assistance on her path to stability.

Need was fulfilled for $161.77!

fulfilled on: 05/08/2022

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Work - Clothing

Deonte received assistance covering his utility bills

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Deonte needs assistance paying his electricity bill. He is a senior citizen living alone on a fixed income. Unforeseen circumstances has caused him to fall behind on his utilities. He has recently become more involved with community organizations who are working to assist him and get him on his feet. Assistance with this month's bill will help in the process of getting a jump start of a more stable and sustainable budget and higher quality of life.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2022

  • East End
  • Senior Citizen
  • Bill - Electricity

Alnisa received assistance paying her car insurance.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Alnisa is a single mom and she spends most of day caring for her little ones and trying to hold down a job. Her hours were recently cut at her job making it difficult to keep her car insurance on track. She needs assistance to catch up on this bill and get her budget back on track.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/05/2022

  • Central
  • Believer
  • Bill - Other

Jaquan received support with transportation costs.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Jaquan is a young adult who was recently incarcerated due to incident resulting from an mental health episode. He has been home and house arrest for the past few months. He has been doing very well and just recently secured a job. The guidelines of his parole state that he must report to the court on a weekly basis for screening. The cost of rising gas prices have made it nearly impossible for him to afford and have put a major strain on his already fixed income. Support with these costs will ensure that Jaquan continues on the right path as a returning citizen.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/04/2022

  • East End
  • Returning Citizen
  • Auto - Gas

Shaquana received assistance paying her water bill

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Shaquana is a single mom. She has recently fallen behind on her utilities due to expenses incurred from having to bury her father and send her oldest off to college within months of each other. She needs assistance to catch up on her water bill this month to avoid disconnection of service. This assistance will ensure she is able to maintain and continue to give her youngest daughter, who still resides with her, the level of comfort and quality of life she is accustomed to.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 04/28/2022

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Other

Fabyan received paying his rent

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Fabyian is a hard working young man. He has been on his since he was 17 years and has been very diligent in trying to keep a float despite his lack of family support. He is currently renting a room and has fallen behind on his payments due to lack of hours at his job. He has had a hard time qualifying for rental relief programs in his area and just needs a bit of assistance covering what is past due as he heads back into full time employment.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 04/26/2022

  • Richmond
  • Youth
  • Bill - Rent

Kate received assistance with rent

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Kate is the mother of a teenage girl with autism, and a teenage transgender male. She and her husband have been behind on rent for six months and now face eviction with nowhere to go. Kate is receiving Mental Health Skill Building Services at St. Joseph’s Villa to cope with depression and anxiety, and she plans to return to work when her mental health stabilizes. Assistance with rent would be a tremendous relief to Kate and her family.

Need was fulfilled for $215.59!

fulfilled on: 04/18/2022

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Bill - Rent

Tamara received assistance with clothing

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Tamara entered St. Joseph’s Villa’s rapid rehousing program without a high school diploma, putting her at a great disadvantage in finding employment. She continues searching for employment and is hoping to enroll in a GED class to increase her career options. In the meantime, she is managing three children without any income except for what she makes doing hair for some family and friends. She can’t remember the last time she bought clothes for herself and her children. Tamara would be greatly appreciative for assistance in purchasing warm weather clothing for her family.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 04/26/2022

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Clothing (e.g. coats, gloves, shoes)

Deshon received assistance paying rent this month

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Deshon is a young adult who lives on his own. He has been working full time for the last few months but is his job has reduced his hours and due to lack of available work and adverse affects of the pandemic. He is in the process of securing a new job to help support his budget until his hours pick up but could use some assistance paying his rent in the interim.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 04/08/2022

  • Northside
  • Believer
  • Bill - Rent

Keanna received help with utilities.

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Utility. Keanna is a single mother of one with twins on the way and has been placed on medical leave due to her pregnancy. Keanna has recently enrolled in classes to become a phlebotomist to pursue her dreams of working in the medical field. She has fallen behind on her utility bill and is requesting assistance to assist. She recently made payment arrangements to avoid disconnection but needs extra help since she had to purchase supplies for school.

Need was fulfilled for $202.80!

fulfilled on: 04/06/2022

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Other