
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 186 local needs in the past year.

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Felicia Dixon

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Felicia needs help with transportation costs of getting back and forth to doctors' appointment since her recent surgery. Felicia is a Personal Care Assistant and mother of 3. She is temporarily unable to work because she is recovering from surgery and has to visit the doctor several times a week. Her job does not provide medical leave so her budget is being dramatically impacted. She needs a little assistance to get through this rough patch until she can get back to the work she loves.

Need was fulfilled for $159.43!

fulfilled on: 06/10/2020

  • Southside
  • Believer
  • Transportation


Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

At home, Shirzad provided security at the US Embassy in Kabul during the Afghan War. After more than two years of service to the US and our allies, his life and that of his family were being threatened. Therefore, Shirzad and his family were granted Special Immigrant Visas to allow them to come to the United States and start new lives here in Richmond. Besides helping them get settled, the IRC found Shirzad a job where he will clean factory equipment and requires steel-toe boots. Shirzad will use a shared carpool for which he has to pay. A donation will get him everything he needs to start work, including a backpack and insulated lunch bag, and cover his transportation costs for one month.

Need was fulfilled for $161.20!

fulfilled on: 06/03/2020

  • West End
  • Refugee
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

Violence broke out in Ivory Coast, West Africa in 2011 due to political unrest. Ridoine escaped to the safety of a refugee camp in Tonga, but it took almost nine years for him to be selected for resettlement in the United States. He arrived to Richmond this year and the IRC secured him employment with a construction company, who laid off some staff at the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak. IRC has found him another job that requires a specific uniform including steel-toe boots. A donation today will buy him all the supplies he needs to start the new job, plus cover one month of shared transportation costs.

Need was fulfilled for $161.20!

fulfilled on: 06/03/2020

  • West End
  • Refugee
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

Evrard spent almost nine years in a refugee camp in Tonga after fleeing violence at home in Ivory Coast, West Africa. He was able to attend some university classes and learned some English as well maintaining his native French. Evrard arrived to Richmond in January and the IRC helped him find a job with a construction company. Unfortunately, at the start of the COVID-19 outbreak, his employer laid him off. IRC has found him another job that requires steel-toe boots. In addition, Evrard will now have transportation expenses and a longer commute. Your donation will fulfill all of Evrard's needs to start his new job, including a backpack and insulated lunch bag and one month of fees for his shared ride to work.

Need was fulfilled for $161.20!

fulfilled on: 06/02/2020

  • Richmond
  • Refugee
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Help with electricity bill. Charles is a husband and father of two growing boys. He loves his job as a materials handler and is working toward the goal of advancing his career in logistics. He has been under a great deal of financial stress recently and with the quarantine requiring his wife and boys to be home more often his electricity bill has been much harder to manage. He could really use some support at this time. With all the unrest in our country right now this support will help to relieve some of his stress so that he can focus more on what is most important. His family.

Need was fulfilled for $184.61!

fulfilled on: 06/03/2020

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Household - Essentials (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.)


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Wanda is an enrolled participant in the Office of Community Wealth Building's Workforce Program. Currently, she is trying to continue her studies and study for her certification in medical coding. Wanda is experiencing some unexpected expenses. She was expecting to secure employment by now, but has found the job search process challenging because of this period of social distancing. Wanda is asking for assistance with groceries for herself and her family.

Need was fulfilled for $208!

fulfilled on: 06/04/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Toya is worried about her family's well-being. She was relieved from her job due to a serious medical condition . Now, Toya's her husband also is laid off. At this time she is asking TGW for support with groceries. Toya is in a rough place at this time and really could use support for her family.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 06/03/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries

Baby Adeela

Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

Baby Adeela was born a little early, taking her family by surprise. She and mom are healthy, however, Adeela's parents had just arrived in the United States thanks to the Special Immigrant Visa program. These unique visas are awarded to men and women who worked with the US government or military in their home country, who were then in danger due to their work. Mom Fazela and dad Zameer plan to continue their careers here in the US, but they arrived with very little and need help with diapers, crib sheets, a car seat, and some baby care items to welcome Adeela home and start their new lives together as a family.

Need was fulfilled for $93.60!

fulfilled on: 05/31/2020

  • West End
  • Refugee
  • Household - Essentials (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.)

Zameer and Fazela

Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

Fazela worked as an Executive Manager for a foundation in Afghanistan. Her husband Zameer was a Project Manager at an international humanitarian agency and assisted the United States government during the Afghan War. As a result, the family was granted Special Immigrant Visas and welcomed to safety in Richmond in March. They brought with them one daughter, aged three and Fazela was pregnant. On his way to a job interview, Zameer received a phone call that Fazela had gone into labor early. Mom and baby are healthy, but since they arrived with very little, and they have not yet found jobs, they need help. A donation of $240 will buy a crib and mattress for the beautiful baby girl for when she joins her parents and big sister at home.

Need was fulfilled for $249.60!

fulfilled on: 06/02/2020

  • West End
  • Refugee
  • Household - Essentials (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.)

Wadiah and Naadir

Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

Wadiah and Naadir arrived in the United States in March. Naadir and his family were granted Special Immigrant Visas thanks to Naadir's work with the US military in his home country of Afghanistan. Naadir has a master's degree in criminal law and worked in international development focusing in human rights. The IRC employment specialist is helping Naadir look for a job, but the outbreak of COVID has slowed the job search. Wadiah takes pride in being a stay-at-home mother to their four children, all under age 7. She will soon give birth to a little boy. With his education and work history, Naadir expects to get a good job that will support his family, but they need help with the costs of baby supplies to welcome their new son. On the wish list are a crib, crib sheets, a car seat, and care supplies. Your donation can help them get everything they need to bring their newborn home.

Need was fulfilled for $218.40!

fulfilled on: 05/29/2020

  • West End
  • Refugee
  • Household - Essentials (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.)


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Needs help with Groceries. Tiffany is a single mom who worked her way up from shift worker to supervisor at a fast food restaurant. She was such a strong employee that she was assigned to cover a second location. However, she was laid off when the restaurant changed to takeout only due to COVID-19. She is now registered with a healthcare staffing agency to switch back to her former profession as a Medical Aide Technician. Until she finds a new job, Tiffany and her daughter need support with groceries.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 05/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Needs help with Groceries. Traci is a single mom of a 7-year-old daughter. She recently lost her full-time job due to the impacts of COVID-19. Her company has told her that she will be rehired once business picks up again, and in the meantime she has applied for several positions to make ends meet. She and her daughter are in need of grocery assistance as she continues her job search.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 06/01/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Needs help with Groceries. Gemma is currently being assisted by the Villa’s rapid rehousing program. She has been in constant pain and unable to work since a serious car accident two years ago, and is waiting for a decision about her disability benefits appeal. In the meantime, Gemma has no source of income and would benefit from assistance with food, cleaning products and personal hygiene items.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 05/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Groceries


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Needs help with Groceries and Household Essentials. Alia takes care of her two teenage children while battling serious health problems. She has been admitted to the hospital twice since the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Her children help the best they can; her son has been accepted to college, but wants to stay home and work to support her. Alia is a caring mother and is encouraging her children to continue their education, even though the family could use the extra income. She works very hard to keep expenses at the bare minimum and tries to stretch her money as much as possible. Assistance with groceries would ease the family’s financial burdens in these challenging times.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 05/23/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Groceries


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Help with Work Clothes. Loretha is a determined single mother of an infant daughter. She was on her way to financial independence with help from the Villa’s housing program until losing her job earlier this month. She worked as a Personal Care Aide, a job that she loved. However, since her layoff she has been applying for every job she can find, willing to do anything to care for her daughter. She found a position as a production worker; her work environment will be 35 degrees the whole shift and the company does not provide uniforms. Loretha urgently needs a heavy-duty large hoodie and non-slip boots to start her new job.

Need was fulfilled for $107.95!

fulfilled on: 05/23/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Help with Groceries and Household Essentials. Luciana is a single mother with two daughters. She is currently being assisted by the Villa’s rapid rehousing program, and is one math class away from earning her GED. Painful back issues are keeping her from applying for jobs she enjoyed doing in the past, including warehouse work and landscaping. She is seeking to enroll in skill training that will qualify her for less physically demanding career options. Luciana recently moved into her own apartment, and needs help with furnishings, bedding and groceries.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 05/29/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Household - Essentials (e.g. toilet paper, cleaning supplies, etc.)


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Needs help with Work Clothes. Connor is staying in an emergency shelter while working with the Villa’s youth outreach housing services to reconnect with his father across the country. The Villa is helping him get there so he can have a permanent, safe place to stay. Connor has a job lined up, but does not have the appropriate work shoes or clothing. After a car accident caused severe damage to his legs, he needs special inserts when wearing shoes to allow him to stand for long periods of time.

Need was fulfilled for $215.59!

fulfilled on: 05/23/2020

  • Richmond
  • Youth
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Electricity Bill. Dayshawn is enrolled in the Office of Community Wealth Building's Workforce Program. His hours were reduced during this period of social distancing. Dayshawn is asking for help toward his electricity bill. He will be able to pay the remaining balance of $120.

Need was fulfilled for $265.72!

fulfilled on: 05/29/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Utilities. Israel is an Electrical Apprentice who also is enrolled in the Office of Community Wealth Building's Workforce Program. He has a large family and many of his family members have experienced a reduction in work hours since March of this year. Although Israel's utilities are still connected, the deadline for payment is fast- approaching. Israel needs help with payment towards this bill until he can return to work on a full-time basis.

Need was fulfilled for $265.72!

fulfilled on: 05/28/2020

  • South Central
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Electric Bill. Jacqueline is enrolled in a participant in the Office of Community Wealth Building’s Workforce Program. She is working as a Certified Nurse Assistant. Jacqueline’s hours were reduced as a result of social distancing. She is requesting help with payment toward her electric bill before the end of the month so she is able to keep her lights on. Jacqueline will be able to cover the remaining balance of $120 with her income.

Need was fulfilled for $265.72!

fulfilled on: 05/24/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees