
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 186 local needs in the past year.

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Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Janette McGrady

Help with Groceries. Denise-Q is a senior who is a participant in the Office of Community Wealth Building's workforce development program. She has been out of work since April 24, tending to the affairs of her spouse, who is critically ill in intensive care. Faced with tough decisions and illness of her own, Denise finds it challenging to figure out how she will pay some of her household bills: electricity, rent, etc. She is asking for assistance with groceries during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $159.43!

fulfilled on: 05/02/2020

  • Northside
  • Senior Citizen
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Windshield Repair. Michael earns a living by driving Uber and Lyft. While driving, a rock hit his windshield, causing significant damage. He does not want to risk driving at this time with a shattered windshield. Michael also has experienced a decline in customers, and it has become challenging to come up with the money for the repair. Originally Michael would have gotten help from a close family member. They also have been laid-off during this time and can no longer help. If Michael can have help with the partial cost of the windshield repair, he can continue to drive Uber and Lyft.

Need was fulfilled for $212.58!

fulfilled on: 05/04/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Janette McGrady

Help with Groceries. Mary Bailey is a senior and a participant in the workforce development program at the Office of Community Wealth Building. She is supporting her nephew, who has nowhere else to go; he recently returned home from college as his school has closed. Mary is asking for help with groceries during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $212.58!

fulfilled on: 05/05/2020

  • Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Chyna is a participant in the workforce development program at the Office of Community Wealth Building. She is working to support a family of four. Chyna recently had another family member come to stay with her as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. She is the only one working in her household and is trying to keep up with paying her bills: rent, electricity, and water. Chyna is requesting assistance with groceries during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $265.72!

fulfilled on: 05/02/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries and Household Items. Viola is a senior citizen; she has experienced great success on the road to employment. With the help and support of her career advisor, Viola landed a new part-time job last spring. Recently, she was laid-off and is requesting help with groceries and cleaning supplies during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $161.72!

fulfilled on: 05/04/2020

  • Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Utilities. Tony is enrolled in the Office of Community Wealth Building's Workforce Development Program. Like so many others, Tony's hours have been reduced at work as a result of social distancing. Although he understands that his utilities will not be disconnected tomorrow, this grace period will end in just a few weeks. Tony has a balance of $525; if Tony had at least fifty percent of his balance, he would qualify for a payment arrangement. Tony is asking for support of $250.

Need was fulfilled for $265.72!

fulfilled on: 05/05/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Mecca is a single mother of five children. She is a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) employed at a rehabilitation and nursing facility. Mecca's job has a very high number of people affected by the COVID-19 virus. Mecca is torn between the oath she took as a CNA to care for her patients and the responsibility she has a mother to care for her family. She is deeply concerned about her family's health and has not accepted a shift in three weeks. Mecca also does not qualify for unemployment and is now reaching out for assistance with groceries.

Need was fulfilled for $265.72!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Pansy is a single mother of two and participates in the Office of Community Wealth Building's workforce development program. She was recently laid off during the COVID 19 crisis. As Pansy's children have been home, extra expenses for groceries and household essentials have tripled. Pansy finds it challenging to provide for her small family. She is asking for support with groceries.

Need was fulfilled for $212.58!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Baby Supplies. Tyler is a single mom who needs size five diapers and baby wipes for her small children. She is employed but finds it challenging to meet some of her family's needs with recent expenses associated with food and protective care as her children are home from school during this time. This type of assistance will help Tyler's family.

Need was fulfilled for $138.17!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Skye is a single mother of three children. She is enrolled in the Office of Community Wealth Building's Workforce Development Program. Skye also is a Certified Nursing (CNA) who has been on the front line, helping to care for vulnerable patients during the pandemic. Her three kids are home from school, eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It has become a challenge to keep food in the refrigerator. Skye is requesting assistance with groceries during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $212.58!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Utility Bill. Teresa is a mental health professional. Her hours at work were reduced as a result of social distancing. Teresa is still at home, waiting to go back to work. In the meantime, she has found it very difficult to maintain some of her bills. Teresa is asking for support with her Dominion Energy bill until she goes back to work.

Need was fulfilled for $97.60!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Utility Bill. Ava is an enrolled participant in the Office of Community Wealth Building Workforce Development program. She is doing everything she can to maintain employment and pay her bills. Ava recently secured a new job at the beginning of April. She is asking for help paying for her utility bill of $382 as some of her accounts have fallen behind. Ava is to pay $130 as she has started a new job at the beginning of the month. Ava is asking for support to avoid disconnection.

Need was fulfilled for $277.16!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Cheryl is an unemployed senior citizen. She cares for her husband, who is a double amputee. They both are both on a fixed income. Cheryl also is an enrolled participant in the Office of Community Wealth Building workforce development program. She is working with her career advisor to get enrolled in Medical Coding and Billing school. Cheryl is requesting help with groceries during this time as she is caring for her husband.

Need was fulfilled for $212.58!

fulfilled on: 04/30/2020

  • Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Groceries


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Help with Car Repairs. Stacey is a single mother of three boys, who is currently unemployed and worried about how she will pay the bills and feed her family. She is a hard worker and has been hired for several jobs, but has a hard time keeping them because she doesn't have a working vehicle. Carpooling with co-workers who frequently changed shifts often left her without transportation. She now has a job interview lined up, but doesn’t know how she’s going to get there. Car repairs would help Stacy maintain a steady income and provide stability for her family.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 04/27/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Auto Repair


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Clevis is an enrolled participant of the Office of Community's Wealth Building Workforce Program. He is among many residents in the city of Richmond, whose hours were reduced because of social distancing. Clevis is the head of his household and cares for his mother at home. He does not qualify for benefits and is requesting assistance with groceries until he can go back to work.

Need was fulfilled for $208!

fulfilled on: 04/27/2020

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Brooke is a single mom of three. Her hours were reduced during this time of quarantine. Brooke’s children are home from school, which has created a greater demand for food. She is requesting assistance with groceries to help her family.

Need was fulfilled for $218.40!

fulfilled on: 04/27/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Groceries


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Denise is a single mother of three children. She is striving to provide a better life for her and her family. Denise is ready to move to a new home but has a few bills that have to be paid, so she can. Denise has managed to cover most of them, except a part of one. She has a balance of $435.00. If Denise gets help with $250 of this portion - she will be able to pay the remainder of her balance.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 04/21/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Help with Groceries. Antoine is a 17-year-old father and hardworking student. He plans to be the first person in his family to graduate high school. He has successfully maintained a job while in school, until COVID-19 hit and drastically reduced his hours. Assistance with groceries would help him provide for his newborn son, as well as his mother and grandmother who live with him.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/16/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Father
  • 1-click donation


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Help with Groceries. Imagine a father and son forced to live in a camper just to make ends meet. Stephen is a student who has come a long way in battling mental health challenges to be a leader in his school. His father is a craftsman, but due to COVID-19 many of the jobs he was relying on to make it through have been cancelled. Stephen and his father need assistance with groceries while they search for jobs.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/16/2020

  • Richmond
  • Teenager
  • 1-click donation


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Help with Groceries. Trevor is a quiet student who has difficulty expressing needs. His mother is employed, but juggling a lot caring for his disabled father and three children who share one bedroom – and some a bed. Trevor’s family needs help with groceries so they can focus on meeting other essentials during these difficult times.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/16/2020

  • Richmond
  • Youth
  • 1-click donation