
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 186 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Help with Groceries. Jamal is a student who lives in a seven-person, single-income household. The harsh economic impacts of COVID-19 hit home when his mother lost consistent employment. St. Joseph’s Villa helped Jamal’s family prior to the pandemic, connecting them with community donations of food and clothing. That support is needed now more than ever as Jamal’s mother seeks more hours.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/16/2020

  • Richmond
  • Youth
  • 1-click donation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Gas. Rameik has been on the hunt for a job, and we're happy to report his efforts have paid off and he's now employed! That job, however, requires a good deal of commute time to and from work. Until he receives his first paycheck, he needs help paying for gas so that he can make the journey and earn an income.

Need was fulfilled for $155!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Phone Bill. Reginald is a single dad of two children who is experiencing a loss of critical income because of the COVID-19 crisis. Staying in touch with his family, and having access to a phone that allows him to call for help and support during these impossible times are critical. That's why Reginald needs assistance with paying his phone bill.

Need was fulfilled for $221!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Father
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Car Payment. Iyonna is a single mother of four who was temporarily laid off due to COVID-19. She's receiving unemployment but it's not enough. Iyonna needs help paying her very last car payment so she can own her car outright, and remove this recurring bill from the many she'll owe in the tough months ahead.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/12/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Car Insurance. Like so many others during this health and economic crisis, Dean has experienced a reduction in hours due to COVID-19. This reduction means he doesn't have enough money to cover all the bills – including his car insurance. Dean can't commute to work without his vehicle – or run the necessary errands to feed and fuel his household.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/16/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with gas. Shaun is a part-time worker whose hours recently increased because so many of her coworkers are absent from work due to job-related social distancing caused by COVID-19. Shaun has to drive to and from work more frequently now – and that means she's using much more gas. Shaun needs gas money to meet her new work demands until she receives her first paycheck that reflects her increased hours.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Carol is a senior citizen who has experienced job loss due to a work-related injury. This makes her personal role as the sole caretaker of an elderly parent even more challenging. Carol needs assistance with paying for her utility bill to ease the burden as she works toward financial resilience.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Felicia is a senior who lost her job and has since enrolled in school. She recently secured a part-time job but needs help catching up on her utility bill balance, that accrued while she was unemployed.

Need was fulfilled for $182!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Phone Bill. Harvey is a senior citizen who has been very ill over the last couple of months. This illness had rendered him unable to work and earn an income. But as he recovers more and more each day he's eager to search for new employment. Effective job searches are nearly impossible without access to a phone – which is why Harvey needs assistance paying his phone bill, so he can continue to look for a job as he is recovering.

Need was fulfilled for $170!

fulfilled on: 04/16/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Household Supplies. Jorden is a single mother of two, who lost her income due to the COVID-19 crisis. She needs help with buying household items like cleaning supplies, masks, and gloves to keep her family safe during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $105!

fulfilled on: 04/10/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Stacy is a single mom who is out of work and is staying with her child at home during this COVID-19 crisis. She needs help with paying her account so she doesn't fall behind without that ability to ever catch back up.

Need was fulfilled for $160!

fulfilled on: 04/11/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Sheena is a single mom of two. Her hours at work were reduced as a result of COVID-19 – and now she's falling behind on some of her critical household bills. It won't fix the full problem, but it would help Sheena keep her head above water and her household afloat to receive assistance paying her utility bill.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

This is a test.

Need was fulfilled for $5!

fulfilled on: 04/03/2020

  • Richmond
  • Single Father
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Groceries. Silena is enrolled in the City of Richmond's workforce program and was actively looking for employment right before COVID-19 hit. She and her family of four have been impacted and needs assistance with groceries during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Groceries. COVID-19 has caused many childcare centers to close, and has forced others to reduce hours and lay off employees. Margaret was one of the many unlucky childcare workers laid off due to this crisis, and the dramatic changes in early childhood care it's caused. Without money coming in Margaret finds herself in need of support to buy the basics: food for the weeks ahead.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 04/07/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with a Laptop. Margo was in school at Richmond Tech and now school is closed due to COVID-19. School is being conducted virtually. However, Margo needs a device to complete her assignments in a timely manner. She is requesting a laptop to complete work. This type of assistance will help Margo with her studies.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/04/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Shirley is a senior citizen who works part-time. She deals with a serious medical condition and has experienced a significant loss of income. Shirley is home during this item of COVID-19 and needs assistance with paying for a utility bill, so she does not fall behind.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Groceries. Gwen is a senior citizen experiencing a difficult month as a result of social distancing. She has food to last for the next seven days but needs support over the next few weeks. This type of assistance will be a great help to Gwen during this time.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 04/15/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Darlene is a senior citizen trying to make ends meet. Due to COVID-19 she has been unable to work, and her finances are limited. Darlene was working part-time but now like most of her peers, is at home and unemployed. She is requesting support to pay her utility bill.

Need was fulfilled for $184!

fulfilled on: 03/02/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bills. As of today, Rebecca is out of a vehicle with no way to commute to and from work. She has two bills due and two school-age children home – and school has closed as a result of COVID-19. Rebecca is asking for support so she can continue to work and take care of her children & her household.

Need was fulfilled for $130!

fulfilled on: 04/10/2020

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees