
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 186 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Henrico County Students received internet access

Partner: Henrico County Public Schools Office of Family & Community Engagement

Advisor: Mike Taylor

Funds to provide Wifi hotspots or internet access to Henrico County Public School students to assist with summer school and remote learning.

Need was fulfilled for $5.20!

fulfilled on: 06/21/2021

  • East End
  • Youth
  • School - Technology

Kevin received a prepaid cell phone

Partner: Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Advisor: Katie Dillon

Kevin is looking for permanent housing and a stable job. Kevin needs a cell phone with refillable minutes so that he can complete job applications and communicate with his outreach worker. Having a phone will help Kevin achieve independence and stability.

Need was fulfilled for $104!

fulfilled on: 07/06/2021

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work - Technology

Caroline received seasonally-appropriate clothing

Partner: Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Advisor: Katie Dillon

Caroline is sleeping in her car while working with CCC's outreach program and looking for permanent housing. As the weather heats up and temperatures continue to rise, the winter clothes Caroline has been wearing are no longer suitable. Being able to wear new clothes will restore Caroline's self-confidence and sense of dignity.

Need was fulfilled for $156!

fulfilled on: 06/28/2021

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Clothing (e.g. coats, gloves, shoes)

May received help with certification

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Certification. May needs help for an additional class she needs to complete her certification. This is a makeup class her program does not cover. May just started a new job and paying for the course would be a hardship. Earning her C.N.A certification would provide a credential to obtain a higher wage.

Need was fulfilled for $176.80!

fulfilled on: 06/25/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • School - Other Items

Bernice received help with graduation costs.

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Earning High School Diploma. Bernice is a senior who has just graduated with her GED and is proud about finishing her program. Bernice lives on a fixed income and needs help paying for the remaining costs of her course to receive certification. This type of help will mean a lot to Bernice.

Need was fulfilled for $268.32!

fulfilled on: 06/18/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Auto - Gas

Ivy received assistance paying the deposit for her new apartment,

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Ivy is a very active participant of Peter Paul's Promise Family network. She is a single mother of four and is very active serving the community. She recently found out that her lease will not be renewed due to a situation beyond her control. She has less than two months to find a new place and has to be very aggressive in her approach. She is raising money to make sure that she is able to move quickly when the right apartment opens up

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 07/02/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Auto - Gas

Tanya received assistance paying her carnote

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Tanya is a single mother of two Richmond Public School high school students. She works as an advocate in one of the community organizations in the area and spends her days working for justice and equity for her neighbors. She has been experiencing a season of financial hardship but has been working hard to stay on top of it despite of it all. She was recently involved in a car accident and the repairs put her behind on several things. As such she is need of helping paying her car note this month, this could be the difference in her being able to stay on track with her other bills this month.

Need was fulfilled for $218.40!

fulfilled on: 06/14/2021

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Auto

Davida received help with exam fee

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Training. Davida is a participant in the Office of Community Wealth Building's Workforce Program. She completed a Pharmacy Tech Training course in 2017 and a refresher training program in December 2020. Currently, the participant is in n need of taking the national exam and cannot pay the fee due to a decrease in work hours due to COVID-19. Fulfilling this need will be a great help to Davida trying to obtain her Pharmacy Tech Certification.

Need was fulfilled for $132.08!

fulfilled on: 06/08/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • School - Other Items

Iyonna received Help with a car repair.

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Car Repair. Iyonna car has broken down, and we are pulling resources to pay for the costs but she also is short. Iyonna needs her car not only for her family’s needs and work, but she also givesrides to neighbors in need from her community.

Need was fulfilled for $268.32!

fulfilled on: 06/06/2021

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Auto - Repair/Service

Michael received help with an electricity bill.

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Electricity Bill. Michael and his wife began struggling with their electric bill for several months when he became ill and unable to work. With his wife's income, they have been making partial monthly payments as advised by the electric company. However, they remain behind and are having a challenging time trying to catch up. They have asked for support from the Giving Wall and believe that if they can get the payments caught up, they will maintain the bill again.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 06/06/2021

  • Central
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Electricity

Rahouf received assistance with bills after surgery

Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

Rahouf is a refugee from the Ivory Coast who arrived in Richmond a year and a half ago. He is young and motivated, finding success at work, learning English, and getting his driver's license. Rahouf will soon have surgery that will require bed rest recovery for two months. His warehouse job does not provide any paid time off, and he is ineligible for social service programs like disability. Rahouf will need assistance paying his rent and bills until he is physically able to return to work.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 06/29/2021

  • East End
  • Refugee
  • Bill - Rent

Maalek received groceries

Partner: IRC

Advisor: Sharon Singer

Maalek is a single dad receiving employment services from the IRC in Richmond which includes job readiness training, resume improvement, interview practice, and job searches. Maalek is eager to work and will accept the first job offered, but does not yet have childcare for his young son. He needs some assistance buying this month's groceries.

Need was fulfilled for $218.40!

fulfilled on: 06/02/2021

  • West End
  • Refugee
  • Groceries

Bernard received help with groceries

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Mr. B is a hard-working Senior living alone, working part-time. His hours have been cut due to COVID. Mr. B can barely keep up with his rent, utilities, and keeping food on his table. Today he humbled himself to ask for support with his bills and groceries. He had to use his money to purchase a new phone because his phone was broken and cannot be repaired.

Need was fulfilled for $268.32!

fulfilled on: 05/25/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Groceries

Angela received help with interview attire

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Interview Attire. Angela is a young lady who is currently looking for employment but is need of interview attire to meet with employers. She diligently is working with her Career Advisor to acquire new clothing. Helping Angela is this way will give her the confidence she needs in knowing she is prepared.

Need was fulfilled for $268.32!

fulfilled on: 05/24/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Auto - Gas

Eric received assistance paying the deposit for his new apartment.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Eric has been living in a rooming house since his release from prison late last year. He has been working at a temp agency and making a strong effort to reestablish himself. He was recently forced into a motel 6 after a tragic house fire in a neighboring house spread to his home and displaced all the residents there. This is not only devastating but came at the absolute worst timing. Though Eric is excited to have just started a new full time job with more secure income and more ability to save, this incident and the aftermath has made this almost impossible. He has been approved for a new apartment but needs assistance paying the deposit since his saving has been depleted in hotel fees.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/14/2021

  • East End
  • Returning Citizen
  • Bill - Rent

Tracey received assistance paying cell phone bill

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Tracey is the sole care provider for her adult disabled daughter. She is actively looking for part time work that will support her need to be present and available to meet her daughters needs as well provide supplement income. They are currently making due with the disability benefits they receive but have little breathing room for unexpected expenses. Tracey has recently fallen behind on her cell phone bill due to an administrative error that has caused a lag in the receipt of her benefits. She is need of assistance to cover this expense while she works to sort out the issue.

Need was fulfilled for $249.60!

fulfilled on: 05/14/2021

  • East End
  • Returning Citizen
  • Bill - Cell Phone

Shmere received paying her car note

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Shimere is an active community who recently started a non profit for victims of domestic violence just a few months before being laid off from her job in January. She has been having a tough time getting through the process to receive unemployment benefits, In the interim she has been driving for door dash to pay her bills as she looks for a new job. She recently had a very promising job interview and feels fairly certain that she may have a new job by the end of the month. She is really just trying to hold and keep everything afloat in the meantime and could really use some assistance paying her car note this month since this is currently her only mode of generating income.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/07/2021

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Bill - Other

Jaineisa received help with shoes for work.

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Shoes. Jaineisa is a participant in the Mayor's Youth Academy for the City of Richmond. She was recently hired for her first job, and she needs slip-resistant work shoes. This would give Jaineisa a great start.

Need was fulfilled for $104!

fulfilled on: 05/06/2021

  • Richmond
  • Youth
  • Work - Clothing

Dawn received assistance paying her rent

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Dawn is a single mother of two teenage boys. She has been experiencing financial difficulty since covid drastically impacted her ability to work as a home care nurse. She just recently after 3 months of inconsistent income has been asked to return to full time work and has unfortunately been subjected to a car accident at the hands of an uninsured motorist that totaled her car. The lost wages coupled with the car repairs have made it nearly impossible to keep with her normal bills this month. Help paying her rent for the month of May will giving her some breathing room while she waits for her first few paychecks to start coming in and allow her some time to focus on regaining reliable transportation.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/14/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Bill - Rent

Shinika received assistance paying her rent

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Shinika works full time and cares for her two year old son. She does her best to connect other members of the community and serve as a example to other young moms she meets. Her goal is to save and work her way out of public housing but is finding affordable housing scarce. She recently experience a set back in her financial plan in the form of an unexpected car repair that has made it difficult to pay her rent this month. Being able to both cover this car expense and simultaneously pay the rent will ensure they she continues to have reliable transportation and keep her credit in good standing while she continues on the path to her long term goals.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 05/14/2021

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent