
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 186 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Lashonda received assistance paying the deposit to turn on the gas at her new apartment.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Lashonda is a young single mother and just recently moved into a new apartment. She need assistance to pay the deposit and connection fees to turn on her gas service to make sure that she has heat as we head into the colder months. She is currently heating her home with space heaters. Assistance with this bill will help make her home more livable for her and her daughter.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/21/2021

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Electricity

Alante received assistance paying her car note

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Alante is a single mother of two. She is also the sole caretaker for her elderly mother. Her mom just recently had an emergency surgery that cause Alante to have to take quite a bit of unpaid time from work and has caused her to fall behind on her carnote. Assistance with this bill will ensure that Alante will be able to maintain reliable transportation as she returns to work.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/22/2021

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Auto

Eric received assistance paying the deposit for his new apartment.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Eric is a returning citizen on a fixed income and has been working toward stability for the past 12 months since his release. His progress has been threatened recently by the quick sale of the rooming house he has been living in. He has been informed that he only has 30 days to move out. He has found a new rooming house but needs assistance to cover the expenses to move and pay the deposit without throwing off his current budget.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/22/2021

  • East End
  • Returning Citizen
  • Bill - Rent

Shakita received assistance paying her rent

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Shakita is a single mother. She works part time and cares full time for her autistic son. Her income is fixed and paying her bills depends heavily on the income received from SSI benefits for her son. She has experience some unforeseen set backs this month that has thrown her finances off. She is working with Peter Paul and Social Services to get back on track and could some assistance paying her rent this month.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/15/2021

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Bill - Rent

Latoria received assistance paying her electricity bill.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Latoria is a single mom of three young adults. One junior in high school and two very new college students. She fell behind on her utility bills after her hours at work were impacted by covid. She is back full time right now but feels like her pay is being impacted by erroneous tax deductions. She is working with her HR department to correct this issue and just needs assistance covering this expense as she tries to catch up.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/05/2021

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Electricity

Leah received assistance catching up on her utility bills

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Leah is a dedicated community member and faithful part of the network at Peter Paul. She has experienced a sudden loss of income after having to take a few weeks from work to tend to her ailing father in law. Thankfully his health is now more stable and she has been able to return home and back to work but is now behind on several things and needs assistance covering her utility bill. Help with this will bill will make it easier for her to focus on getting back to normal as she goes back to work.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/05/2021

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Bill - Utility

Jamaica received assistance paying her car note.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Jamaica is a single mom of a toddler and 3 elementary schoolers. She has been working part time for several months due to lack of consistent childcare. Now that the three older ones are back in school she has been able to focus on returning to full time work. She is currently in the onboarding process of her new job and just needs a little assistance covering the her car note through the transition. She is a hardworking determined mom and plans to ultimately become a certified substance counselor. She is very passionate about helping to break the cycle of poverty for those directly impacted by this crisis.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/03/2021

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Auto

Charlie received prepaid minutes for his phone

Partner: Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Advisor: Katie Dillon

Charlie is currently experiencing homelessness and is working with CCC staff. He has a cellphone but he needs to add minutes to it so that he can continue to apply for work and communicate with his family.

Need was fulfilled for $72.80!

fulfilled on: 10/29/2021

  • Richmond
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Cell Phone

Tom received transportation assistance

Partner: Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Advisor: Katie Dillon

Tom, his two toddlers, and his pregnant wife are currently staying in a shelter as they work with CCC staff to find stable, long-term housing. In order to continue getting to his appointments, Tom needs assistance with transportation.

Need was fulfilled for $78!

fulfilled on: 11/01/2021

  • Central
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Other

Malaysia received help paying her electricity bill

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Malaysia is a single mom and works makes an hourly wage at her part time job. She recently fell ill and was unable to work for several weeks. Because of this several of her bills have fallen behind. Now that she is back on her feet and back to work she is in need of some assistance catching up on a few things. Her electricity bill is the most pressing need. Receiving help to keep this bill current will make a huge difference as she works diligently to recover from this and get everything back on track.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 11/22/2021

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Electricity

Samantha received a prepaid cell phone

Partner: Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Advisor: Katie Dillon

Samantha is pregnant and due in November. She, her husband, and two toddlers are currently staying in a shelter. They are working with CCC staff to find more stable, long-term housing. Neither Samantha nor her husband have a phone or reliable transportation. Samantha needs a prepaid cell phone to communicate better and to coordinate transportation.

Need was fulfilled for $107.43!

fulfilled on: 10/29/2021

  • Central
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Bill - Cell Phone

Michelle received help with work clothes

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Work Clothes. Michelle has been working as a Dental Assistant for 20 years. As a dental assistant, she has grown a bond with her patient, and is ready to take the next step to be self-sufficient after many years. Michelle became a part of OCWB and Rework Richmond last year. She took a Certified Medical Assistant course that she The goal now is to find the right job for her to use her skills and certification as a Dental Assistant. While looking for this employment, she needs new nursing scrubs, shoes, and support stockings work because my employer does not provide it. These items can be costly, and COVID-19 has impacted my hours. Michelle needs new uniforms to help make an excellent first impression on anticipated job interviews. She believes that new work clothes also will increase her confidence as well.

Need was fulfilled for $156!

fulfilled on: 10/25/2021

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Auto - Gas

Mary received a new tire for her car

Partner: Commonwealth Catholic Charities

Advisor: Katie Dillon

Mary has been working with CCC's street outreach team. She has old injuries that make walking difficult. She has a car but she cannot safely drive it until she gets a new tire.

Need was fulfilled for $107.43!

fulfilled on: 10/29/2021

  • Southside
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Auto - Repair/Service

Keionda received assistance paying her electricity bill.

Partner: Peter Paul Development Center

Advisor: Sherika Chew

Keionda is a single mother of 4 small children on a fixed income. Her youngest daughter is only a year old and was recently diagnosed with RSV. Complications of this diagnosis has made her little one very vulnerable to COVID and daycare unsafe so Keionda has had to temporarily leave her job and will not be able to return until the end of October. She is seeking assistance so that she can stay afloat in the meantime while she focuses on caring for her daughter.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 10/21/2021

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Electricity

Patricia received help with rent

Partner: St. Joseph's Villa

Advisor: Drew Melson

Patricia is a single mother of five, whose children experienced years of physical abuse at the hands of their father. Recently diagnosed with cancer, Patricia is unable to work and now faces eviction as she has to choose between rent and meeting the basic needs of her children. She is currently receiving counseling from St. Joseph’s Villa and hopes to be able to continue working again soon. She is asking for assistance with rent.

Need was fulfilled for $269.41!

fulfilled on: 10/17/2021

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Tiffany received help with rent.

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Rent. Fani just moved to Richmond with two children. She is starting over and has spent all of her savings on relocating. As she waits for the paperwork to transfer, her portion of the rent is due. She has exhausted her savings. She is asking for support with her part of the rent. This type of help will mean a lot to her and her family.

Need was fulfilled for $270.40!

fulfilled on: 10/13/2021

  • Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Bill - Rent

Ian received help with rent

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Rent. Ian is enrolled in OCWB's Workforce Development program and he is in between jobs at this time. He is actively looking for employment but has been at it for a time. Ian lives in subsidized housing, so it will only take a little help to get him over this hump.

Need was fulfilled for $260!

fulfilled on: 10/21/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Bill - Rent

Nichele received help with gas and transportation.

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Gas. Nichele has made it back after having to leave Richmond to handle an emergency. However, the expense to move is still overwhelming; she is asking for support to get her completely back to Richmond. She is still in need of gas money and transportation support.

Need was fulfilled for $265.20!

fulfilled on: 10/22/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Auto - Gas

Sheila P received help with groceries

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Groceries. Sheila is on the search for full-time work, she is behind on her rent, shrugging with a food assistant, exhausted her benefit from unemployment all the while trying to be supportive to her son. Sheila is overwhelmed with life at this time and reaching out for support of groceries.

Need was fulfilled for $270.40!

fulfilled on: 10/21/2021

  • Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Groceries

Eric received help with car insurance

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Advisor: Chaya Braxton

Help with Car Insurance. Eric has completed his CDL and obtained employment with A Trucking Company. However, getting his CDL was a challenge because he earned it during the pandemic, which caused him stress. The stress turned into being laid off due to medical reasons. He is now experiencing some hardship with things like car insurance and gas; he cannot afford to have his insurance lapse; Eric is now on the road to recovery and asking for support with his car insurance and some gas.

Need was fulfilled for $270.40!

fulfilled on: 10/21/2021

  • Richmond
  • Believer
  • Bill - Other