
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 153 local needs in the past year.

Success Stories

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Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Storage. Gabrielle's job ended a few months ago. However, with the help of our program, she has since secured employment that will cause her to relocate. Gabrielle will help need paying storage during this transition. This type of assistance will ensure that she can focus on preparing for her new position.

Need was fulfilled for $222!

fulfilled on: 06/22/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help Pay for Driver’s License Fees. Freddie is an aspiring Barber who will begin his apprenticeship next month. He will need his license to get back and forth to school. This type of assistance will remove any challenges that Freddie may confront as he hopes to build his future as a Barber.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 07/31/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with car repairs. LaFonda is a professional caregiver and a single mom who relies on her transportation to provide for her and her family. LaFonda is in the process of searching for a higher paying position. In the meantime, this type of help will allow LaFonda to keep her current employment and attend upcoming interviews.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 07/31/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Electricity Bill. Cecilia is a participant in the Workforce Program with the City of Richmond. She is unemployed currently is behind in her utility bill and has received a disconnection notice for the end of May if she does not receive a portion of the balance to qualify for a payment arrangement.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 05/21/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Electricity Bill. Tianda was laid off for several months but has since secured employment. During her period of employment she fell behind on her electricity bill. This type of assistance will help Tianda qualify for making a payment arrangement to keep the lights on for her and her grandchildren, for whom she also is a provider.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 05/21/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Gas. Spence will be entering a training program to receive his CDL certification. Although he was employed previously, he did not earn enough to make ends meet. Spence needs help paying for the cost of gas as he attends classes for the next ten weeks. This type of assistance will help him as he strives to secure employment as a truck driver that will give him an increase in wages.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 05/17/2019

  • Rchmond
  • Believer
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Barber Equipment. Brandon received his barbering license from Richmond Technical Center. He needs assistance with purchasing quality clippers. This type of assistance will help Brandon begin his career as a Barber.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 06/15/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Electricity Bill. Cheryl recently completed her High School Diploma and will graduate in June. She has a medical condition and receives SSI benefits which has been reduced recently. Cheryl is in training to become a Substance Abuse Peer Recovery Specialist and needs assistance with paying a past due balance on her electricity bill until while she is in training. Cheryl's hope is to become employed part-time with a local agency upon graduation from her program.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 05/11/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Gas Card. Devin is a returning citizen enrolled in a workforce training program where he received Forklift and OSHA certification. As a result., Devin was able to secure full time employment with full benefits. Devin needs assistance with paying for gas to get to work until he receives his first paycheck. This type of assistance will help him support him and his child for whom he is a provider ,95% of the time.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 05/23/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Father
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Gas. Anthony is a single father with joint custody of his three children. He is a security training program and is trying to secure employment in the law enforcement field. Anthony needs support paying for gas to get to his training class. This type of assistance will help him along his pathway to secure full-time employment as a security officer.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 05/13/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Deposit. Esther has been homeless and unemployed for several months until now. Recently, she has been approved to become a Lyft Driver, but needs assistance with securing the deposit required to begin her route. This type of assistance will help Esther remain on the path to becoming self-sufficient.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 05/11/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Work Uniforms. Damiane is a single father of a one-year old daughter. He shares custody with his daughter’s mother where they rotate each week. Mr. Spurlock has been able to secure daycare for his daughter through a family member, but he needs assistance with protective gear and work boots for a landscaping job he recently acquired. Damiane is excited to get to work so he can provide for his daughter the way his heart desires.

Need was fulfilled for $125!

fulfilled on: 05/09/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Father
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Electric Bill. Shayonna, a single mother of two, has been working odd jobs to make ends meet and unfortunately fell a little behind on her electric bill. She has recently landed a job working with the youth in an after school program. This type of assistance will help Shayonna keep the electricity on in her house until she can take over payments after receiving her first paycheck.

Need was fulfilled for $250!

fulfilled on: 05/10/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Electricity Bill. Teosha recently lost her job due to layoffs and is working with a case manager to strengthen her soft skills and obtain training to make her more marketable in the workforce. She is a determined young lady who is working with the Richmond Volunteer Rescue Squad to obtain her CPR certificate. Teosha wants to earn more money working in medical field-which is her passion. This type of assistance will help relieve the stress associated with finances while Teosha in the workforce training program.

Need was fulfilled for $229!

fulfilled on: 05/10/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Paying for Gas. Kayleb was laid from his job off three months ago. Since then, Kayleb has landed a job with GRTC with the assistance of OCWB. Assisting him with paying gas will allow him the opportunity to get to work until he receives his first paycheck.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 05/10/2019

  • Southside
  • Believer
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Helping with Car Insurance. Becca is employed part-time, a single parent of two, attending school, while searching for a full-time job, She has one month of class left before receives the certification she needs to become fully employed at her current job. Becca needs assistance with paying her car insurance until she receives her first paycheck.

Need was fulfilled for $230!

fulfilled on: 05/10/2019

  • East End
  • Single Mother
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Michelle was living in a home that was going to be condemned; she has since been able to move. However, because of the poor installation of her previous home and leaky plumbing, her utility bills incurred a high balance. This high balance has been added to the utility account of her new home. Michelle is hoping that assistance from the Giving Wall will help to alleviate the burden of her utility bill. It also will provide a fresh start for her and her two grandchildren ages two years and nine months old, for whom she is a caregiver.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 04/23/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Utility Bill. Darlene is a senior citizen who needs help with paying down the balance on her utility bill since experiencing a period of unemployment. Since then, she secured a job at the end of February. Darlene was able to manage her account until she depleted her savings. This type of assistance will help to alleviate some stress associated with this financial hardship so that she can enjoy her new job.

Need was fulfilled for $171!

fulfilled on: 05/04/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Senior Citizen
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Groceries. After struggling for a few months without employment, Tyrell was able to secure and will start on April 29th. While unemployed, Tyrell exhausted his savings and is concerned that he will not have enough food to provide for his family until he receives his first paycheck next month. This type of assistance will be a great help.

Need was fulfilled for $205!

fulfilled on: 04/28/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Gas. Ronald has taken a step in the right direction to get the training he to gain employment. Since working, he has signed up for OSHA/Forklift training through 5C's and is now in the process of getting enrolled in a Construction Training program. Ronald has transportation, however without employment he cannot afford the cost of fuel. Assisting him with fuel for transportation will allow him to continue with his training.

Need was fulfilled for $105!

fulfilled on: 04/20/2019

  • City of Richmond
  • Believer
  • Transportation