
Congratulations Richmond!
You’ve supported 153 local needs in the past year.

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Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Auto Repair. Brooke is employed currently and she is continuing her education in Phlebotomy. In the midst of going back and forth from work, school, and home, Brooke’s car broke down and she is now in need of assistance to get her car repaired so she is able to continue with her training program.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 02/04/2019

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Auto Repair


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Rent Assistance. Natasha was homeless for five years, until Richmond Redevelopment Housing Authority accepted her into their housing program. However, now she's falling behind on her rent. Although Natasha is receiving Social Security Income, it is not enough to pay all of her bills. At this time she is attending the Dream Academy to complete her High School diploma which will make her more employable. Natasha needs assistance with paying the balance owed on her rent as she is studying to receive the credentials she needs to secure employment.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2019

  • Richmond District 5: Central
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Car Insurance for transport to school and work. Misty is now employed but was laid for for a few weeks during the holiday season and has fallen behind on her car insurance. She needs assistance paying the balance owed. Misty is enrolled in the City of Richmond's Bliss program to try and improve the quality of her life. She is also enrolled in Dream Academy to obtain her high school diploma. Although Misty is employed, her income is insufficient for her family of 4 – and most jobs in her field that would pay more require a high school diploma. This type of assistance will help Misty maintain transportation as she travels to work and school.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2019

  • Richmond District 7: East End
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Travel Fees for Youth's Learning Opportunity. Laura is an active participant in the Mayor's Youth Academy who commits endless hours to serving her community. As a result of her commitment to community service, she has been selected to attend the YMCA's Global Youth event in London from August 4 - 8, 2019. Laura is currently fundraising to finance her trip. As an aspiring marketing and media specialist, this opportunity will broaden Laura's horizons and afford her a once in a lifetime experience where she will learn new skills that will aid her in her future career endeavors.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2019

  • Richmond District 6: Northside
  • Youth
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Rent Assistance. Sherika is a private duty Certified Nursing Aide. When her patient passed away, it left her without income which caused Sherika to fall behind on her rent. Since losing her job, she has found other full-time employment but needs help with paying the balance of $185.00 that she owes for rent.

Need was fulfilled for $185!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2019

  • Southside
  • Single Mother
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Rent is Overdue. Larry has been unemployed for 4 months and has fallen behind on his rent. He has secured full-time employment and has started working. The Department of Social Services will cover most of his rent, except for $100 that's still owed. This type of assistance will enable Larry to have a fresh start.

Need was fulfilled for $100!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2018

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help with Rent. Kiara recently lost her job because her daughter became ill. She had to leave work to provide care for her child. This has caused Kiara to fall behind on her rent. She is requesting assistance with her rental payment of $125.00.

Need was fulfilled for $125!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2018

  • Richmond District 7: East End
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees

Nate’ (Natay)

Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Laptop Computer. Nate’ Young is working on completing her requirements for her Med-Tech Certification as well as her High School Diploma. Ms. Young is requesting assistance to purchase a Laptop computer as most of the work to complete these programs is done online. She is currently working an overnight seasonal position at Amazon. Having a computer at home will save her travel time and allow her to complete her requirements for these credentials, helping her to secure a living wage position. This fee contributes to a portion of the total cost, and she is able to secure funding for the remaining amount.

Need was fulfilled for $199!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2019

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Software for School. Deaunta is completing an online Pharmacy Technician program that will help her secure viable full-time employment. She needs assistance with purchasing Microsoft Office 2016 Professional Downloadable (full version) to complete her online course assignments.

Need was fulfilled for $60!

fulfilled on: 01/14/2019

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Career training


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Electric Bill. Robert has been a participant with the Office of Community Wealth Building for three months and has obtained housing through a HUDVASH (housing for veterans). Now he needs support with his utilities after being laid-off. Robert has tried to obtain support for this bill through Energy Share and a few churches with no positive results.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Unique & urgent


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Shoes for Work. Perry relocated to this area six months ago and has just found a part-time job. He is working for a cleaning company and needs specific non-slip work shoes to comply with the safety standards of the job. This would help him secure full-time employment.

Need was fulfilled for $75!

fulfilled on: 12/30/2018

  • Northside
  • Believer
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Gas Card. Nadaira is enrolled in Pharmacy Technical School and is in need of gas for transportation so she can get back and forth to school until she secures employment.

Need was fulfilled for $100!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • Southside
  • Believer
  • Transportation


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Auto Repair. Arlene is a licensed Dental Hygienist. She is having challenges landing a position because she faces some barriers with transportation. Many of the jobs for which she is qualified are outside of Richmond City limits. Arlene needs assistance with paying for minor car repairs. She is confident that she will better access to going on interviews and securing employment with this type of help.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • Southside
  • Single Mother
  • Auto Repair


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Travel Duffel Bag. Marquita is a participant in the Office of Community Wealth Building who is experiencing a period of transition as she is waiting for a home. She needs assistance with purchasing a travel duffel bag with wheels so she can transport her belongings and different job search activities with more convenience.

Need was fulfilled for $46!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • East End
  • Experiencing Homelessness
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Work Uniform. Diane recently landed a job but is unable to afford purchasing her uniform for work. She has had to move and is in a financial bind. Diane will need a uniform and work shoes to be in dress code for her first day of employment.

Need was fulfilled for $150!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • Southside
  • Believer
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Wireless Phone Bill. Antoinette is unemployed. Bills are accumulating as she in the process of searching for a job. Her phone will be disconnected if she does not get caught up on her bill. Antoinette's phone is the only way she can communicate with potential employers.

Need was fulfilled for $140!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Rental Assistance. La'Trena fell behind on paying her rent. She is employed but did not have enough hours to catch up so she could avoid paying late fees. With the help of the program at the Office of Community Wealth Building, La'Trena finally has started another job where she is able to get the hours she needs to pay her rent in full but needs assistance reconciling the balance owed.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • City of Richmond
  • Single Mother
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Help Purchasing Washing Machine. Viola is employed part-time, enrolled in a work experience program for seniors. Her income is fixed and limited. Most of her daily living activities are done by public transportation. Recently, Viola's washing machine broke and it cannot be repaired. The laundromat in her community is not very close and not in a safe area as she only has time to wash her clothes during the evening when it is dark. Vola needs assistance with purchasing a new or used washing machine.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 01/01/0019

  • Southside
  • Senior Citizen
  • Work clothing and equipment


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

Dental Work. Constance had to go for an emergency dental service. She didn’t have the extra funding to pay for it and needs to have some dental work done to avoid gum issues that can lead to further complications and even surgery. Getting this type of assistance will help improve the quality of Constance's life. Her dental work needs to be done soon.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 12/30/2018

  • Southside
  • Believer
  • Small debt & fees


Partner: Richmond Office of Community Wealth Building

New or Used Tires. Ronald is dual enrolled with Senior Connections and in a work experience program. Through the work experience program, Ronald will be getting the training he needs to qualify for his next position. He uses his car to get to his training program. Ronald needs new or used tire to sustain him thought the winter.

Need was fulfilled for $245!

fulfilled on: 12/29/2018

  • East End
  • Believer
  • Transportation